
This section provides details of how standard processes can be dramatically streamlined by using RF Express to provide an electronic data capture solution.

Application Benefits

Please select a process below to see how Eagle can improve your operations.

  • Process Before

    Goods Received, operator tries to identify goods

    Make systems verify delivery correct. Goods received and identifications printed

    Goods moved to a location

    Location movement made
    The Risks
    No clear identification of goods being received
    Very slow to identify badly or incorrectly labelled stock
    Transcription errors occur very easily
    No visibility of stock
    No validation that location is ok until operator returns to terminal
    Process with RF Express
    Suppliers use web based label printing to label goods with bar code
    Goods scanned to receipt and scanned into valid location. Instant stock visibility and validation. Labels can be opitonally printed on rececipt of required or if supplier labelling isnt used
  • Process Before
    Print locations and items to check
    Go to location and identify stock, count and record. If any other stock is found go back to terminal to check
    Update stock on terminal
    The Risks
    Printed report not real time
    No way to check errors without walking back to terminal
    Transcription errors occur very easily
    Done sometime after the event, without freezing inventory / stores, this maybe entering an invalid count.
    Process with RF Express
    Separate tranactions for counts and recounts
    Go to location, scan details and update stock real time
    Optionally a report can be used to give a list of locations to count
  • Process Before
    Goods produced and for shipment or storage
    Systems used to create identification labels, platform production receipt
    Location movement made
    System used to transact location move
    The Risks
    Remote disconnected processes can lead to errors. Labels are created separately
    Production recording is often late compared to shipping leading to negative stocks and recocilliation issues
    Palletistion and containerisation is often a seperate step in the process
    No validation that this location is ok until operator returns to terminal
    Process with RF Express
    Goods produced and ready for shipment or storage
    Scanner used to receipt goods and creates bar coded identification lables to ensure accuracy.
    Location movement made and scaner used to record move
  • Process Before
    QAD Enterprise Solutions used to create picking list for dispatch
    Good located and picked from the picking list, no transactions made
    Transaction made later on terminal. Stock is incorrect until this point
    The Risks
    Remote disconnected processes can lead to errors
    No way to validate that the operator has picked the goods as he has requested. Can lead to wrong goods being picked.
    No real time visibility of stock. Once goods are removed from the racks, the stock is wrong
    No validation that this location is ok until operator returns to terminal
    Process with RF Express
    QAD Enterprise Solutions used to create picking list for despatch
    Goods picked from the picking list and scanned to valid correct part and batch number. Container info is recorded and can be exported on EDI transmission. This updates the system, keeping stock positions accurate
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